Does this program involve any health risks?
If a person is in good health, there are no risks. For many medical conditions, such as Hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes, the health benefits achieved by weight loss far exceed any potential risk. Numerous patients have been able to reduce or stop their medications for Diabetes and Hypertension.
Is your program medically supervised?
Yes, our directing doctor supervises medical care and our trained staff are on premises at all times to address any health concerns the patient may have and to make sure the patient’s health is not put at risk. Patients are monitored closely on a weekly basis.
What is unique about your weight loss program?
Our program combines a prescription appetite suppressant with a well-balanced diet and a strong psychological support system. We focus on the patient as an individual. Most of our staff have used our eating plan, which makes it easier for them to relate to the patient and be able to guide them if they have questions with food selections and cravings.
What makes your program successful?
We feel the individual support system we provide helps the patient stick to the plan. The prescription medication is a tool to help the patient follow the program without feeling hungry.
Why is the healthy eating and lifestyle portion of your program so important?
In our maintenance program we are able to guide clients in making the right food choices by identifying how specific foods affect their weight, help reaffirm that these changes aren’t temporary, that they are permanent lifestyle changes. Our preventive care support structure reinforces healthy eating and lifestyle for a lifetime.
How does someone deal with cravings or withdrawals?
We have various ways of dealing with cravings: proper nutrition, prescription medicine, nutritional supplementation, and psychological counseling.
Is this program affordable?
Yes, compared to other programs we are very affordable. Compared to the costs and health risks associated with obesity, our cost is minimal. Other cost benefits are lower food costs and sometimes lower health and life insurance premiums.
Must patients meet criteria to qualify for this program?
Yes, obviously to ensure the safety of our patients, they must be medically cleared as healthy enough to tolerate the medications, dietary management and weight loss. We perform an EKG, labs and take a complete health history.
Are people generally happy with the results?
People are very happy. The vast majority maintain their new weight as long as they follow the maintenance program. Our patients refer their friends, family and co-workers, which prove more than any words they might say how pleased they are with our program