Recipe of the Week: Nutritious and Delicious Miso Soup

Nutritious and Delicious Miso Soup

Long a daily staple in numerous Asian countries, oftentimes for breakfast, this rich and satisfying soup is easy to make and only takes several minutes.  But it yields an abundance of health benefits.  When you have a few minutes, Google the ingredients to discover all the wonderful nutrients this soup contains.

When you’re looking for something healthy to eat while traveling, you can almost always order miso soup at Japanese restaurants. (ask for tofu with it to get protein).

-¼ of a green cabbage, sliced

-3 cloves garlic, minced

-About 3 Tbsps. miso paste (Found in refrigerated areas of health food sections, white miso is less salty than other types, but any flavor is fine.  Be aware that miso has either a soy or barley base.  So, if you have a sensitivity to either of these, be sure to avoid that type.)

-Any seaweed (Nori is especially good) (Available in health food sections)

-Tofu cut into small squares (read package for protein amounts)

Briefly sauté garlic and cabbage in oil.  Add about 2 cups of water (depending on thickness desired) and tofu.  Simmer several minutes.  Add some seaweed, and remove from heat.

Take 1 T. of broth and mix in a small bowl with the miso.  Stir miso mix into the pot.  Do not ever boil or re-heat miso soup at high temperatures, as this will destroy much of the nutritional value.  To get your healthy fats, add 2 tsps.–1 T. sesame oil to your individual bowl and stir.  Enjoy!




Copyright David and Cheryl MacDonald, 2010

Go Figure Diet, Go Figure program, Healthy Eating Plan, Recipe of the week

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