Recipe of the Week: Zucchini Crackers

Zucchini Crackers

Crackers on the Go Figure program?  Well, these aren’t your run-of-the-mill crackers.  These are nutrient-dense, with protein in them, and no white flour.  Created by Chef David, and served at the recent Open House, they were well-liked by everyone.  Try them with the Salmon Dip recipe we put out last week.  Yum!

Wait until after week 6 to try these, and then eat in small quantities (1 or 2) when you need something a little more substantial with your protein.  Try freezing them, so you can pull out a couple periodically.


2Tbsp. flaxseed, ground*               ½  tsp. salt

1 Tbsp. chia seed                              4 Tbsp. olive oil

1 cup almond flour**                        2 egg whites

2 Tbsp. arrowroot                             1 tsp. baking soda

1 cup grated zucchini***

Mix ingredients together.  Moisten hands to reduce sticking, and pat batter with hands into small, flat circles about 1 1/2″ diameter onto baking sheet that is either well-greased or has parchment paper on it.  The flatter you make the crackers, the crispier they will turn out.

Bake in pre-heated 400 degree oven for about 20 minutes, or until golden brown.

Cool thoroughly before storing.

*Flaxseed needs to be ground in order to access Omega 3 nutrients.  It can be purchased ground, however, it tastes much better if you grind it yourself in a clean coffee grinder.  It’s very quick and easy to grind.

**Almond flour is sold in packages, and it is blanched, skinless almonds, ground very fine.  Bob’s Red Mill makes a very good quality one.  It is sold in bulk at Huckleberry’s in Rosauer’s at a considerable discount.

*** For a different flavor, you can try shredded kale or sweet potato with other batches.  Be creative, and experiment with different veggies for slightly different flavors.  Have fun!

Copyright David and Cheryl MacDonald, 2013

Go Figure Diet, Go Figure program, good choices, Healthy Eating Plan, Recipe of the week

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