Brandon and Sara’s Weight Loss Testimonial *

After getting married, my husband and I gained a significant amount of weight. It was affecting our attitudes, confidence, and our lifestyle. I knew something had to change. I used tons of fad diets and supplements and found no lasting results. But within five months of using the Go Figure Medical Weight Loss program, I lost 60 lbs. and Brandon lost 55 lbs. – talk about a life changer! Since getting the initial weight off, together we’ve gotten off another 10 lbs. and have kept it off now since June 2014!
We spent the whole summer doing things we never would have thought about doing previously, including a 12 mile hike in the Gallatin Forest! Looking back at the things we’ve accomplished over the last year, I cannot thank the Go Figure staff enough for everything they’ve done for us. Go Figure provided the tools and support we needed to finally lose this weight for good and take back control of our lives!
Sara and Brandon – Total Weight Loss of 125 lbs!*
*Actual client. Results may vary based on client participation